What is this?

Power dynamics refer to the unequal distribution of resources and authority in a given society or group. They are the structural representation of both the currency of power and the various power relationships between individuals and entities that dictate how decisions are made, who has access to resources, and who can exercise their agency. Power dynamics refer to the 'rules of the game' and how different individuals and entities within a given system relate to and are affected by each other—they are central to understanding disparities of all kinds.

See also: hierarchy, decision making, social justice, transformational leadership, community building

Self-Organising Collaborative Governance Q+A w/ Richard Bartlett 1,575

What We Learned About Organising Without a Boss | Richard Bartlett & Natalia Lombardo | TEDxPeniche 530

Malcolm Ocean & Richard D. Bartlett talk about Enspiral & Microsolidarity 161

Jessica Feldman interviews Richard D. Bartlett 129

Frontiers of Coordination #1 with Richard D. Bartlett The Pre-DAO DAO OG 50

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 44

Ep. 58 Richard D. Bartlett and Natalia Lombardo from The Hum | Leadermorphosis 9

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 2